How to Quit Drinking or at Least Cut Back

tips to stop drinking

It’s why the conventional wisdom in the recovery community is to take it one minute and one day at a time. You don’t even have to know what tomorrow, next week, or next month will be like. Fortunately, on December 19, 2016, I got off that hamster wheel for good. If you’re accustomed to opening a beer at 5 o’clock every night, try waiting until 7.

tips to stop drinking

Set a goal

Mendelson is a fan of prescribing drugs to help patients decrease their drinking. “There are a number of medicines that are quite effective,” he says. They include naltrexone, which helps ward off cravings and reduce the pleasurable effects of drinking. Many people — including many addiction experts — believe that the only way to handle a drinking problem is to quit altogether. Indeed, abstinence-based programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) have helped countless people manage their addiction and live healthier lives. And for some drinkers, including those with a more serious dependency, abstinence is still advised.

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

tips to stop drinking

You should feel empowered to use as many tools and resources that feel right for you. You can work with a physician to better understand your risks given your medical history and drinking habits, and receive treatment based on your needs. Regardless of the underlying reason, drinking every evening is a habit. And just like any other habit, it can become hard-wired in the brain. Once the brain adapts to the routine of nightly drinking, relevant context clues such as environment, people, and time of day can naturally trigger the urge to drink.

tips to stop drinking

What are the benefits of giving up alcohol?

When helping an alcoholic stop drinking, making them feel shame or lowering their self-esteem will do no good in a situation such as this. If you have not been through it, do your best not to make any judgments when someone you love is struggling with it. Not only tips to quit drinking do you not understand it firsthand, but you may also do more harm than good. Shaming an addict will only make them turn to what coats their emotions, which is likely drinking. The approach of judgment and shame does nobody good in the end. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking.

  • The urge to drink will inevitably come—so make a plan for it.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome may occur in people with AUD.
  • According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 26 percent of adults reported excessive drinking in the past month.
  • If you feel like your relationship with alcohol needs an overhaul, you’ve got plenty of company.
  • But most people have a hard time discerning when they’ve gone beyond moderate drinking and should consider cutting back, according to Koob.
  • If you’re around people who are excessively drinking, you’re more likely to be pressured to continue drinking, too.
  • The NIAAA also offers pointers about resources for low- and no-cost treatment and support options, like getting in touch with your state’s agency for substance abuse help.
  • She incorporates cultural relevance and non-traditional interventions and strategies to strengthen her clients’ steps towards goals of behavioral, emotional, social and mental wellness.
  • Focus on your own quit, and not what the peppy person in the group has going on.

They can help people manage withdrawal symptoms and keep them on track to stop drinking. If you find it difficult to make new, sober friends, try joining a support group. Maggie Seaver is the digital health and wellness editor at Real Simple, with seven years of experience writing lifestyle and wellness content. She spends her days writing and editing stories about sleep, mental health, fitness, preventive health, nutrition, personal development, relationships, healthy habits, and beyond. She loves demystifying complicated health topics, debunking wellness fads, and sharing practical, science-backed solutions for healthy living.

  • Despite its popularity, it’s well known that soda isn’t good for your health, as it’s linked to obesity, poor dental health, and various chronic diseases.
  • Someone might have told you they’re concerned, or you might find it hard to stop drinking once you’ve started, for example.
  • If your goal is to reduce your drinking, decide which days you will drink alcohol and how many drinks you will allow yourself per day.

Alcohol can be hard to quit — here are ways to set yourself up to succeed

It’s important to identify why you’re drinking in the first place. You should also surround yourself with people who will help you quit and celebrate your wins along the way. If a setback happens, get back on track as quickly as possible.

tips to stop drinking

Have a Plan

  • Many types of support are available in the community and on the internet.
  • You can also set a few days of the week as alcohol-free days.
  • Mindfulness helps you gain greater distance from your thoughts and urges, making it easier to avoid falling into old patterns, and improving your overall quality of life.
  • This guide explains why you may crave soda and how to stop drinking it.

While it can be safe to drink moderately, many Americans may want to reconsider the amount they drink regularly, says George Koob, the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. To stay better informed on addiction research and statistics, you can also explore resources like the CDC and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). There’s a saying in yoga that goes, “stay on your own mat.” Don’t worry about what the person next to you is doing. There’s a good chance that at some point in this journey, you’ll encounter people who are doing better than you. But try making little changes here and there and see how it makes you feel.

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