How To Improve As Balance Druid The War Within Season 1 World of Warcraft

7.2 boomkin

Umbral Intensity grants a buff to your casted DoT’s and Shooting Stars when you consume the Umbral Embrace buff. Astral Communion increases your maximum Astral Power and generatesAstral Power when you enter Eclipse. Waning Twilight increases your damage on a target by 6% whenthey are afflicted with three DoTs. Astral Smolder empowers Wrath and Starfire to havea chance to apply a DoT to the target based on the damage dealt. Wild Surges increases the Critical Strike Chance of filler spells by12% and Critical Strikes generate more Astral Power. For 15 seconds, you have10% Haste and are granted the benefits of both Eclipse states.

7.2 boomkin

Balance Druid DPS Stat Priority — The War Within (Season

Stellar Flare applies a 24-second Dot to your target. This is anAstraldamage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcane damage buffs. You should look for this stat in allof your upgrades. It provides provision for bad debts journal entry you with Spell Power, which increases the damageof your spells.

Getting a Better Understanding of Balance Druid Stats

Using your Cooldowns properly is the difference between doing good damage anddoing great damage. In some encounters you can use your abilities as they comeoff cooldown and in others there are more optimal ways to use them. The only wayto know the best way to use one or all of your cooldowns is to research orexperience how the fight plays out. Haste increases your casting speed and your Astral Power generation(as a result of you being able to cast more spells). If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Balance Druid stat priority. On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Balance Druid.

  1. It increases the damage of Starfire onthe main target.
  2. Then, the spell resets.This is an Astral damage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcane damagebuffs.
  3. Ifyou feel as though your damage is low, DoT uptime is one of the first thingsyou should check.
  4. It has a 3-minute cooldown and is particularly usefulfor crossing large distances quickly.
  5. While youdo not want to waste cooldown time, you also do not want to cap Astral Power.
  6. Light of the Sun reduces the cooldown of Solar Beam when it landsthe interrupt on a target.

Balance Druid Mage Tower DPS Challenge Guide – Raest Magespear – The War Within 11.0.2

Fury of Elune is a 1-minute cooldown that creates a beam that followsyour target, dealing damage to the target and targets within 8 yards. This is anAstral damage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcane damage buffs.Generates 40 Astral Power. Shooting Stars has a chance to proc on DoT tick dealing damage.This is an Astral damage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcane damagebuffs. Starsurge costs Astral Power to cast and deals damage to thetarget. This is an Astral damage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcanedamage buffs.

As your target count increases, Haste will outpace Versatility as the bestsecond stat to Mastery. Wild Charge grants several movement options depending on your form.Most often, a disengage in Moonkin Form. Balance of All Things increases Critical Strike chance by 10% to 20%after you enter an Eclipse. Denizen of the Dream gives your DoTs a chance to summon a FaerieDragon, which deals damage for 30 seconds. Harmony of the Heavens increases your Eclipses bonuses whenyou cast Starfall and Starsurge. Sundered Firmament casts a weakened Fury of Elune on yourtarget every other Eclipse.

If you are new to Balance, this is a great place to start to get anunderstanding of how the spec works. On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as aBalance Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1). This was written by Borabank,a Balance Druid theorycrafter and raider in Muscle Memory.

When picking between similar items of different itemlevels and one has a socket, it is best to sim the answer than to approximate. Every piece of gear you equip, socket youroll on your loot, and every piece you swap affects your stat priority. If youneglect a stat too much, its priority will liquid assets definition rise higher and higher until itovertakes other stats. If the stat is lower on the above general priority, itwill generally not take too much of the state to drop it back down quickly. Nature’s Grace reduces the cast time and increases the damage of yournext two Wraths and Starfire after leaving Eclipse orentering combat.

It increases the damage of Starfire onthe main target. Balance Druids have several abilities they can use to handle movement. Theyhave instant casts in Starsurge, Moonfire, and Sunfire, as well as mobility spells like Wild Charge and Dash. Greater remote accounting jobs Alignment increases the duration of Celestial Alignmentand increases the damage bonuses of each Eclipse.

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